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Chinmaya Pancholi

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During the last week, I continued to work on my PRs in both shorttext and Gensim repositories.

In Gensim, I worked on PR #1445 to fix error handling in the function topic_coherence.direct_confirmation_measure in case a top-n topic word for the training corpus is not present in the corpus being used to compute the topic-coherence value. I also added examples in docs.notebooks.sklearn_wrapper.ipynb for various scoring function modes for LdaModel’s API class. I continued to work on PR #1473 to refactor the exising code after removing functions get_params(), set_params() and partial_fit() from the base API class. As part of PR #1462, I added code and unitests for Text-to-BOW and Tf-Idf models in Gensim.

In shorttext, I created PR #12 to integrate the repository with Travis CI. So, we can now add unittests to make sure new code changes don’t break the functioning of the existing code (yay!). I also created PR #13 to add unittests for the classes CNNWordEmbed, DoubleCNNWordEmbed and CLSTMWordEmbed present in classifiers.embed.frameworks.